Current Projects and Board Initiatives

plan425 2015 Improvement Plan

The table below outlines all potential initiatives identified for progression by the board during 2015.

Click on the relevant link to see more information about the specific initiative.

For more detailed information, you should contact the Director listed as the sponsor for the specific project.

Summary Planned Status
Ref Title Sponsor Start Finish Budget Scope Schedule Budget
1501 Estate Management (Rules) Jaz Parmar Jan ’15 May ’15 tbc Green     Green Green
1502 Lease Compliance (Lettings) Simon Hirst Mar ’15 Jun ’15 tbc Green Green Green
1503 Articles of Association Martin Edge Jun ’15 Sep ’15 tbc Green Green Green
1504 First Impressions Jaz Parmar Feb ’15 Apr ’15 tbc Green Green Green
1505 External Appearance Dave Griffith Feb ’15 Sep ’15 tbc Green Green Green
1506 Long Term Planning Matt Garvey May ’15 Nov ’15 tbc Green Green Green
1507 Member & Resident Self Service Wayne Buckley Apr ’15 Jul ’15 tbc Green Green Green
1508 Site Services Martin Edge Mar ’15 Jun ’15 tbc Green Green Green
1509 Bikes & Bins tbc Deferred
1510 Parking tbc Deferred
1511 Security (CCTV) Not Applicable Rejected
1512 Childrens Playground Not Applicable Rejected
1411 C/fwd ’14 – Lighting Renewal Wayne Buckley Jul ’14 May ’15  £65k Green Green Green

Note that projects shown as proposed are pending final board approval. Projects shown as rejected will not be progressed. Projects shown as deferred are de-prioritised and may be progressed at a later date. All budget values refer to anticipated FY15 spend only, are provisional and remain subject to change.

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