Non-ACM Cladding Remediation Works at Winterthur Way

Current Status:


On 27th September 2023, VHMC held a Leaseholder Update Meeting which discussed primarily fire remediation works alongside other matters. As a record of the meeting, the link to the Zoom recording is below:

Passcode: %cGW69s8


Please see below, published by Homes England

From 18 May 2023, the Building Safety Fund (BSF) Leaseholder and Resident Service will publish your organisation’s name to maximise transparency and facilitate your engagement with leaseholders and residents about remediation works.  

New information published 

  • Your organisation’s name unless you are a ‘natural person’ or ‘sole trader’ as we cannot name individuals for data protection reasons. Where this is the case, we will insert the most relevant descriptive for you, e.g. ‘freeholder’.  
  • If you have officially appointed a managing agent, we will also provide their organisation’s name as long as they aren’t a ‘natural person’ or ‘sole trader’.   

We expect you to share information on the status of the BSF application and progress of remediation works with leaseholders and residents. This remains the case where developers have agreed to take responsibility for works.  We explain this on our BSF leaseholder and resident support page on GOV.UK and in the BSF guidance.  

Please cascade to your leaseholders and residents the new information that will be published on the Service.    

Yours faithfully,  

Building Safety Fund Team  

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities   


Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Update – Scaffold dismantle – Cherry Block

To view the letter issued by LCS regarding the dismantle of the scaffolding on Cherry block, click here


Update – Winterthur Way Cladding Project – Fir Block

For the most recent update from Fairview Homes regarding fire safety remedial works to Fir Block – please click here


Update – Winterthur Way Cladding Project – Birch Block

For the most recent update from Fairview Homes regarding fire safety remedial works to Birch Block – please click here


Update – Winterthur Way Cladding Project

For the most recent update on the cladding project please click here


Update – Winterthur Way Cladding Project

For an update following on from the recent events, please click here


Re-Cladding of Cherry, Holly and Elm Blocks

On Monday 23rd January 2023 StanLil stood down all their site personnel at Winterthur Way and on Tuesday 24th January they advised Ridge that they are unable to continue the Works because of “financial difficulties”.  The Site has been secured by StanLil staff.  Ridge have made an inventory of all Permanent Works materials on Site.

Since 24th January Ridge have been in intermittent contact with StanLil attempting to obtain details of the situation.  Homes England has been informed and a number of Teams calls have been held.

A contractual notice has been issued to StanLil on 26th January which opens the possibility of VHMC terminating the Contract after 9th February 2023 if StanLil have not returned to Site by then.

Getting the project restarted and completed will not be an easy task but a number of options exist.  First it is necessary to clarify the ongoing trading situation of StanLil, which will be done by 9th February.

We want to reassure Leaseholders that completion of the recladding project is at the forefront of everyone’s mind.  Homes England are actively assisting with the situation.  Inevitably we are faced with yet another delay but all parties will work for the fastest resolution.

January 2023


UPDATE: 13/10/2022

Victory Hill Management Co.Ltd – Fire Safety Remediation Works EGM

Following on from the meeting held last night (Wednesday 13th October 2022), please click the link below to view the recording of the meeting:

Passcode: 6%fu7XKY

UPDATE – 12/10/2022

To All Leaseholders of Birch and Fir,

We have recently undertaken our first official meeting with Fairview Homes.  In accordance with the Government’s ‘Developer’s Pledge’, Fairview Homes have provided us with a verbal representation that they wish to support us in rectifying all fire safety related works on both Birch and Fir.  For the avoidance of doubt, this means that they seek to undertake these works themselves. This will be a different contractor to those currently working on Elm, Cherry and Holly.  At this current time, they are reviewing initial information we have provided. We understand that we can expect to hear back from them within the next 3 to 4 weeks. To lay out what the next steps will be.  We will keep you updated.

Following on from the Cladding Update Meeting held on 7th September 2022, please find a link to the Zoom recording of the meeting below:
Passcode: Ik6+M2A!

UPDATE – 12/08/2022

A LEASEHOLDER CLADDING UPDATE MEETING has been scheduled for Wednesday 7th September 2022 starting at 6:30pm.

VHMC Directors and Chaneys are keen to update Leaseholders on the progress of cladding works and recent developments following on from Government legislation.

The meeting will be held over Zoom and the link to the meeting can be found below:

Letters have been sent to all Leaseholders and notices will be placed in the lobbies.

The link to the letter can be found here

We would encourage any questions to be emailed to us prior to the meeting, however, questions can also be asked on the night.

We look forward to seeing you then


Cladding update 4th August 2022 click here

Cladding Update 8th July 2022, click here

UPDATED 26.04.2022

Latest update on cladding work schedule for Elm, Cherry & Holly – Please Click here

UPDATED 20.12.21

Please click the links below to view documents relating the the recent Leaseholder Cladding Update Meeting

17 November 2021

Please click here to view the EWS1 form for Birch and Fir.

Please Click here to view the report associated with the EWS1 form for Birch & Fir.

UPDATED 09.11.21

Dear Leaseholder and Resident

Leaseholder and Resident Cladding Update Meeting – Tuesday 16th November 2021 – 6.30pm

Victory Hill Management Co. Ltd are inviting Leaseholders and Residents at Winterthur Way to attend a Cladding Update Meeting, to be held over Zoom.

The aim of this meeting is to update on progress regarding the scheduled cladding replacement works to Cherry, Holly and Elm Blocks and to discuss plans going forward regarding Birch and Fir Blocks.

We will have various agencies also attending the meeting to allow for a full and concise opportunity for questions to be answered.  These include Maria Miller MP, Vemco Fire Consultants, Ridge Consultants, Stanlil, Hampshire Fire & Rescue and Chaneys.

Please can we request that if you have a question, that you email it to us prior to the meeting;, this will allow us to plan and categorise who is best placed to answer the question on the night.  We will of course facilitate ad-hoc questions on the night of the meeting.

The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 16th November 2021, 6.30pm and you will find the Zoom link below.  The same link will also be posted on the Winterthur Way Facebook page and the Winterthur Way website:

Facebook –

Winterthur Way Website –

Please click the link below to join:

Passcode: 589411

Or Telephone:

United Kingdom: +44 330 088 5830  or +44 131 460 1196  or +44 203 481 5237  or +44 203 481 5240  or +44 203 901 7895  or +44 208 080 6591  or +44 208 080 6592

Webinar ID: 844 5720 9145

We look forward to seeing you then

Sarah Morrisen  CIHM Cert.CIH MIRPM AssocRICS

Senior Property Manager
Chaneys Chartered Surveyors

UPDATED 03.11.21

Please click here for information regarding upcoming leaseholder Cladding update meeting.

UPDATED 21.10.21

Birch & Fir Block cladding Update

For an update on cladding for Birch and Fir blocks, please click here:

Cladding and Fire Safety Compliance Update – Cherry Holly and Elm – 30th September 2021

The process of securing the grant funding from the Building Safety Fund for the remediation work has proven to be complicated, slow and unpredictable.  Since March this year VHMC, Chaneys and Ridge Consulting have been in constant contact with Homes England feeding information to them and awaiting outcomes.  We have at last received a letter from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government confirming “conditional approval” of the grant amounting to approx. £2.2 million.  It is conditional pending completion of various terms and conditions of the Grant Funding Agreement, a document which we are yet to see.  Homes England do not provide a timetable or even an estimate of the time required to cross the various administrative hurdles.  Nevertheless, using our best intuition, we are hopeful that we will receive the first tranche of funding before the close of 2021.

Receipt of part of the funding will allow us to instruct Stanlil, our appointed Contractor, to proceed with the remediation work.  At present we have restricted Stanlil’s work to design and planning.  The reason for this is that VHMC does not have sufficient funds of its own (i.e. Leaseholder funds) to sustain the cashflow that the project requires.  Stanlil have notified that the delay to the project will give rise to additional costs of extended management and inflated costs of construction materials.  Homes England has been made aware of this.

So, in summary, we hope that work will start by the end of 2021 and will be completed by the beginning of 2023.

As Leaseholders are aware, there is a second strand to the funding, originally estimated at £372,000 but subject to inflation, which is to be contributed by the Leaseholders.  The first contribution of £1,000 was due from all Leaseholders by 1st July but as at 30th September only 166 out of 248 have paid.  If you have not yet paid, please do so immediately to avoid the potential additional cost of legal action.  In view of the delay to the project, we will be able to defer invoicing the balance of the contribution to some time in 2022.

All the funding earmarked for the Remediation works i.e. the Government grant and the Leaseholder contributions, is held in the VHMC Reserve Fund account until such time as it is needed.

As a final note to this update, we can take some comfort from the fact that despite the protracted process, Winterthur Way is one of the sites towards the front of the queue for funding.  We are told that “just a few” applications have been fully processed to a point where work has commenced on site.

Further updates will be posted as the situation unfolds.

A revised programme of works can be found by clicking here

Update 20.07.21

Leaseholder Cladding Update Meeting – 21/07/21 – postponement

Time: Jul 21, 2021 06:30 PM London

Dear Leaseholders,

It is with regret that we have taken the decision to postpone the Leaseholder Cladding Update Meeting scheduled for 21st July 2021.

Whilst Homes England have approved funding for the replacement cladding to Cherry, Holly and Elm, they have yet to confirm a date for when the funds will be released and subsequently when works can start.

We expect this information to be forthcoming in the next 3 weeks, after which we will arrange an alternative date for the meeting.

We appreciate your understanding and hope you can understand that this is out of our control and we would rather arrange a meeting whereby the information we provide to Leaseholders is both fruitful and useful

VHMC and Chaneys

UPDATE 07/07/21

Please click here for a Board Memo on the balcony works. A number of leaseholders ask for clarification on the requirement for the works, having consulted with the Fire Engineer he has confirmed, inline with Government guidance, that the work needed inline with the planned works.

UPDATE 30/06/21

Following Progressing Meeting No.4 with the Project Managers (Ridge), the Contractor (Stanlil), Chaneys and VHMC we report as follows;

Homes England have approved the funding for the project. They are dealing with the legal agreements and we await the finalised Funding Agreement .

Consultants Cladding/Architectural Designers/Fire Consultants are working to get Building Control sign off as this is key to the final part of releasing funds.

Programme has been updated, current completion date is 16th May 2022 but subject to change.

Next Meeting – 22/07/2021

UPDATE 09/06/2021

Click here for a summary of cladding tender costs vs cost submission to Homes England

Click here for the cladding replacement timeline for Cherry, Holly and Elm

UPDATE 12/05/2021

Click here for the minutes of the Leaseholder Cladding Meeting held on Tuesday 27th April 2021

Click here for the Q&A’s following on from the Leaseholder Cladding meeting

UPDATE 21/04/2021

Winterthur Way – Leaseholder Cladding Update Meeting

We invite you to a Cladding update meeting to provide an update regarding the cladding replacement for Cherry (C), Holly (D) and Elm (E).  This will also be an opportunity for Leaseholders to raise any questions that they may have.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 6pm.  The meeting will be held via Zoom.  The link for the meeting has been sent by letter to Leaseholders, if you require a reminder, please email

May we also take this opportunity to advise an amendment to the previously sent letter dated 9th April 2021 and the enclosed S20 Notice of Estimates,  which should state ‘The consultation period will end on 10th May 2021’ in replacement of ‘The consultation period will end on 4th April 2021’.

UPDATE 15/04/21

Following on from the successful installation of the linked fire alarm system to the top 2 floors of Cherry (C), Holly (D) and Elm (E), the waking watch service have been given 1 weeks notice. Their services will cease as of Monday 19th April 2021.

Questions and Answers – Re-Cladding of Cherry (C), Holly (D) and Elm (E)

UPDATE 09/04/21

Letter to leaseholders regarding the works

Ridge Tender Analysis

Works Programme as at 9/4/21

UPDATE 11/03/21

Statement from the Board following reporting by the Basingstoke Gazette dated 11/03/21.

“Recent headlines in the Basingstoke Gazette require a supplementary response from the Victory Hill Management Co. Ltd.

First of all, the directors of VHMC and the managing agent Chaneys wish to reassure all residents and owners about the measures in place for their safety. As many of our residents will have seen, a linked fire alarm system is being installed on the upper floors of Cherry, Elm and Holly. Government funding is covering the cost of this mitigation measure which was mandated by Hampshire Fire & Rescue. Combined with the waking watch that was present prior to the fire alarm installation these measures provide a high level of protection in the unlikely event of fire.

At the same time VHMC has reached an advanced stage in implementing a multimillion pound project for the removal of cladding from Cherry, Elm, Holly . This project, funded by the government, will see the removal of cladding in line with current guidelines. We are expecting work to commence in May 2021 and completion within 9-12 months. The estate website provides regular updates on cladding for your information. VHMC wishes to reassure residents that Hampshire Fire & Rescue have vetted the mitigation measures in place and deem them effective. We are confident that the fire systems in place will maintain a high level of fire safety pending the removal of cladding over the coming months. Should you have any questions about this statement then please contact or call 01189722333″

UPDATE 08/03/21

We have received confirmation that the application to the Waking Watch Relief Fund has been successful and that the Government will meet the full costs of the Fire Alarm installation at £56,529.72. Once installed this will allow the scaling back of the 24hr waking watch. Installation is underway and is expected to be complete by the end of April.

UPDATE 09/02/21

Update on Cherry, Holly & Elm Cladding. Includes information on tender exercise, waking watch, building safety fund and the requirement for members to complete a state aid declaration.

UPDATE 08/02/21

Tender returns have now been received for the works from 3 contractors. Ridge & Partners LLP are due to issue the tender analysis to the Board on the 12/02/21. A update to members is being issues w/c 08/02/21

UPDATE 23/11/20

Laser and Drone Surveys have been completed.

Updated tenders being issued 14/12/12.

UPDATE 16/11/20

Following further site inspections it was found that not all elevations of the blocks could be properly scanned by the laser based survey system. A drone will be used in tandem with the system to completed this work and has been scheduled for w/c 23rd November.

The Directors of VHMC have not been pleased with the time taken to mobilise works and following discussions with the Consultant Surveyors a new Project Lead has been appointed to work with us.

The revised estimated timetable is as follows;

W/C – 23/11/20 – Laser and Drone Survey of elevations. 7-10 days turnaround for drawings.

W/C -14/12/20 – Issue tenders to suppliers, return date 22/01/21 (as 2 week Christmas break).

25/01/21 – 12/02/21 – Tender evaluation and questions, client approval.

15/02/21 – Award of Contract to selected contractor.

W/C 22/02/21 – Prestart Meeting with Contractor and VHMC.

March – Contractor mobilisation.

April – Works start onsite.

There will be no further updates until w/c 23rd November.

UPDATE 13/10/20

The contractors who have been asked to tender have visited site. They have requested elevation drawings, these are not held in the O&M Manuals for the property so a Elevation Survey has been commissioned and is expected in 3 weeks time (w/c 2nd Nov). This should not impact the timeline of the project as these would have had to be done by the appointed contractor in any case. The cost of the survey is recovered via the Building Safety Fund.

There will be no further update until w/c 2nd Nov.

UPDATE 05/10/20

No update this week. Tenders have been issued and returns expected 23rd Oct.

UPDATE 28/09/20

Following an update to the tender specification in consultation with VHMC Ridge have now (25/09) issued the tender to the following firms;

Art Contracts

CCS Building

Kovara Projects

Richardson Roofing


Tender returns are due 23rd October, with contractor appointment scheduled for mid November.

UPDATE 17/09/20

Ridge Consultants are visiting Winterthur Way for a site inspection on 18th September 2020, following this, tender documents will be finalised.

UPDATE 07/09/20

The Issue: 14/07/20

Following Government advice investigations have been carried out to formally identify the cladding type on the top 2 floors of Cherry (C), Holly (D) and Elm (E) Blocks. We would point out at this time that the cladding is “Non-ACM”, meaning is not constructed of the highly flammable Aluminium Composite Material, such as that found at Grenfell. This cladding is HPL (High Pressure Laminate) type which the Government has advised is must be replaced if it is not the fire-retardant type. Formal investigations were undertaken to identify the cladding and material. This included onsite removal and assessment as well as contacting the manufacturers and installers. The result of the investigation is that the cladding is non fire-retardant type and as such will need to be removed and replaced.

What Action are we taking;

VHMC have appointed consultant building surveyors Ridge & Partners LLP and fire engineers VemCo Consulting to oversee the removal and replacement of the cladding. VemCo, as specialist Fire Engineers, will specify the works to be undertaken and produce a tender document. Ridge will then tender to procure a conactor for thr works for the works and oversee the removal and replacement project.

The fire engineers have also recommended undertaking interim mitigation works. This would mean the temporary installation of wireless firm alarm for the top two floors of each block and changing the fire procedures from “stay put” to “evacuate” for these floors only. VHMC are in the process of specifying and tendering for this work.

Whats this means for Residents;

The works will take place during the next 3-12 months. Initially, work will be required within the flats on the top two floors to install a temporary wireless fire alarm system and Chaneys will help coordinate this.

For the cladding works, the building will need to be scaffolded and the appointed contractor will have a site compound in the main Courtyard area. They will have access over the scaffold to the top two floors and balconies. The appointed contractor will have a resident liaison who will work alongside Chaneys to keep residents informed about the works and any disruption.

What this means for Leaseholders;

In June 2020 the Government launched its “Building Safety Fund” to cover the replacement of Non-ACM cladding. VHMC have registered the blocks for this fund in order that the burden of the cost of the works wont fall on leaseholders. This should mean that the cost of the removal and replacement of the cladding, along with the project management fees are paid for by the Government. We will keep you updated on the progress of the fund application.

Details about the fund can be found here:

Chaneys will shortly issue a s.20 Notice for the works, whilst it is anticipated that the Government will fund the works, the money has to be paid from the VHMC Account. Landlord & Tenant Act requires formal notices be issued and these will follow the finalisation of the specification.

The cost of the interim measures; the installation of a wireless fire alarm system, is not covered by the fund. We are in the process of getting quotes for this work and will report to you once completed.

If you have any questions about the project please email

Last updated 21/04/2021

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