2014 02 24 Board Pack

VHMC Directors Meeting  

Date 24/02/14 Time 19:00 Venue Luxemburg Meeting Room
AXA Wealth
Winterthur Way



  1. [ME 10mins] Approval of prior minutes  (pre-read: Previous Minutes)
  2. [MC 10mins] Update on AFA case progress (no pre-read submitted)
  3. [SH 10mins] Finance update including action on high risk defaulters  (pre-read: BBP – 140224 – Debt Collection)
  4. [SH 10mins] Water Charges (pre-read: BBP – 140224 – Charging Strategy for Water and  BBP – 140224 – Current Issues)
  5. [SH 10mins] Freehold Managers Lease (pre-read: BBP – 140224 – FHM Lease)
  6. [WB 45mins] Overview of Winterthurway.co.uk (no pre-read submitted)
  7. [ME 15mins] Action planning
  8. [All 05mins] AOB

+5min contingency

 Meeting Output(s):

  • Minutes for this meeting may be found on the past meetings page.
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