Apr ’15 – Chairmans Message & Members Meeting

Chairman’s Message to Members April 2015

Members meeting

In line with our commitment to improve communication with owners, I would like to invite you to the forthcoming members meeting to be held:

  • Monday 27th April 2015 at 19:30
  • Brookvale Village Hall, Churchill Way West, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6AE

This will be an information meeting where Members can have open discussion on any relevant topic. In addition the Directors will update progress on operation and management of the Estate and a full review of the financial outcome of 2014 will be presented.   The Directors are not bringing any resolutions and the meeting will not require any voting. Click here to view the anticipated agenda & relevant supporting documents. As always, minutes of the meeting together with any additional supporting material used during the meeting will be made available on our website shortly after.

VHMC Financial Health

You will shortly receive a mail-out from our managing agent that will include an updated statement of account for your property. The statement will typically include two adjustment charges/credits in respect of  each flat for which you are the Leaseholder.

Estate rules

You will also shortly be receiving copies of the new Estate Rules and Regulations. Members will be aware that anti-social behaviour is one of the most frequent issues raised by both owners, owner-occupiers and residents alike. With the support of Chaneys, the directors have therefore developed and agreed a set of rules (predicated on existing leaseholder obligations) that lay the foundation for improving the environment for all. If you are a landlord, you are strongly encouraged to pass on these Rules to your tenant(s) and encourage them to abide by the rules. As the year progresses we shall increasingly be challenging owners and tenants who do not abide by the new rules and regulations. Members will have an opportunity to comment on and suggest revisions to the estate rules ar the forthcoming members meeting.

I look forward to seeing many of you on the 27th April. Should you wish to raise a specific topic for discussion during the meeting, you can either email me at martin@winterthurway.co.uk or simply bring it along to the meeting.   Martin Edge Chair, Victory Hill Management Company Limited 31st March 2015

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