2014 11 17 Board Pack

RSVHMC Directors Meeting  

Date 20/10/14 Time 19:00
Venue URS Basingstoke
Scott House,
Alencon Link,

RG21 7PP

Part 1: Standing Items (15 mins)

  1. [ME 15mins] Approval of prior minutes  (pre-read:20141020-Directors-Meeting-Minutes )

Part 2: Board Paper Reviews (90mins)

  1. [ME 10min] Staff Welfare
  2. [ME 5min] Director Appointments
  3. [WB 25min] Operations Update (Lighting, Maintenance, Pest Control & Leaks)
  4. [SH 25min] Finance Update (YtD performance, Debt Recovery, 2015 Budget)
  5. [ME 25min] Managing Agent (RFP update) (pre-read: RFP Proposal & Responses Files)

Part 3: Close 

  1. [All 15mins] AOB

Meeting Output(s):

  • Minutes for this meeting may be found on the past meetings page.
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