2014 03 03 Board Pack

VHMC Directors Meeting  

Date 03/03/14 Time 19:00 Venue URS Office
Alencon Link

Agenda and pre-read documents last updated on 3rd March 2014:

  • Accounts & articles papers migrated to .xls/.doc content on 3/3/14 by SH request.

Part 1: Standing Items (5 mins)

  1. [ME 05mins] Approval of prior minutes  (pre-read: 20140224 VHMC Board Meeting Minutes)

Part 2: Board Paper Reviews (110mins)

  1. [WB 20min] Directors’ Code – proposal to redraft code (pre-read: BBP_Directors Code_Rescindv2)
  2. [WB 20min] Articles of Association – review of action required (pre-read: BPP_Articles of Association)
  3. [SH 40min] Draft 2013 Accounts – review and approval (pre-read: Trial Balance 2013 Accounts)
  4. [ME 20min] Next Members Meeting – date and agenda (no pre-read submitted)
  5. [WB 10min] Appointment of Managing Agents May 2014 (no pre-read submitted)

Part 3: Close 

  1. [All 05mins] AOB

Meeting Output(s):

  • Minutes for this meeting may be found on the past meetings page.
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