Dec ’14 – Resolution of AFA Litigation

What happened?
As a consequence of perceived performance failures, the then board of VHMC terminated Alan Foster & Associates (AFA) contract as VHMCs managing agent on 27th Sept 2012. The termination was applied without regard to the agreed notice period incorporated within VHMCs contractual commitment with AFA. As a consequence, AFA have since pursued VHMC for recovery of monies due. The case has now been resolved by way of an agreed court sanctioned settlement.

Key points:

  • On termination of AFAs contract, the then board of VHMC froze all VHMC bank accounts.
  • Legal proceedings were issued in Mar ‘13  against VHMC by AFA citing wrongful contract termination on 27th Sept 12.
  • Between Sept ‘12 and Mar ‘13, the board made an unsuccessful attempt to resolve outstanding issues through negotiation.
  • In preference to reaching settlement through arbitration, the board approved by majority (3-2) to defend the case in court.
  • Whilst court proceedings progressed, VHMCs accounts remained frozen.
  • The case has now been resolved by way of an agreed court sanction settlement.

The impact of this action has been to:

  • Divert directors focus away from the day to day & strategic management of VHMC
  • Delay the implementation & execution of planned repairs and maintenance projects.
  • Incur legal costs & associated settlement charges.

How much has this cost VHMC and its members?

  • Prior to action, AFA sought £30,428.33 (Sept’12) from VHMC (£23,944.99 for payment in-lieu of notice and £6,483.34 as payment for services provided).
  • In addition, once court proceedings had been initiated, AFA sought to recover their own legal (estimated at £15,024) and court (estimated at £395) costs from VHMC. The recovery sought was £45,847.33 (Mar ’13)
  • In defending this case, VHMC incurred £50,395.98 in legal charges. Of this, £6,500 was recovered from AFA.
  • In addition to these costs, the agreed settlement required VHMC to pay AFA the sum of £20,000.
  • The total impact on VHMC is £63,895.98 (Dec ’14) 
  • The total cost per member is therefore £170.

Points to note:


To see the board resolution approving the agreed settlement, please click here.

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